1. Take a closer look at your desired business outcome: Identify the specific objectives and goals you aim to achieve.
2. Review existing systems, processes, and people: Assess the current landscape and understand how data quality impacts your organisation.
3. Profile the data set: Analyse and understand the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of your data.
4. Create a compelling business justification: Develop the business case that demonstrates the value and impact of investing in data quality.
By actively participating in this workshop, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical knowledge that can be applied directly to your organisation. Our team will guide you through the process, enabling you to effectively profile, document, and present your findings back to your business.
Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your understanding of data quality and become an advocate for positive change within your organisation.
Note: This workshop includes a comprehensive profiling exercise, personalised guidance and a detailed write-up of our findings to be presented back to you and your key stakeholders