
Dedicated to building a business with a family feel

We are proud of who we are as a company, and therefore we approach recruitment with very careful consideration and thought.

Demand more

Kick start your journey to a better career

Dedicated to building a business with a real family feel. Despite being remote, we enjoy getting together socially at our company meetings. We have taken trips abroad (on us of course), hosted family BBQ’s in the summer (invites extended to teammates’ partners, children and pets). We try to make time for social events to be frequent features on our busy calendar.

Our culture manifesto

Fancy joining us?

Be part of something special

We’re always on the lookout for talented data scientists, data engineers, and business planning consultants. If you have experience in data or planning systems please do let us know.

Talk to us

Our values

We believe that, who we hire, will either add to our positive vibe, or start to erode it away.

Be open and approachable

Being approachable means that no question is ever too small, that every opinion matters and that, no matter what’s going on, we’re always open to help others.

Treat colleagues like family and customers like friends

We play together, not just work together. We support each other through tougher times. We help our clients and colleagues grow to the point where they no longer need us.

Bring value, don’t extract it

Bringing value means generously sharing our knowledge and time without any expectation of return and without applying pressure to do things our way.

Take yourself lightly, but your work seriously

We take pride in our work while asking “How can I do this better tomorrow?”. But we can also take feedback, take a joke, laugh at ourselves and find the fun in everything.