What We Do

Business Intelligence

Making smarter business decisions using data

Making smarter business decisions using data

Achieve better business outcomes

Business Intelligence platforms are a technology enabler that supports organisations to make smarter decisions and achieve better business outcomes.

IBM Cognos Analytics and Microsoft Power BI are market leaders of Enterprise Business Intelligence and Sempre Strategic Partners.

Sempre has in-depth skills and capabilities in both to provide organisations with a toolset for reporting, analytics, scorecarding, and monitoring of events and metrics.

Sempre supports organisations to orchestrate data seamlessly across multiple platforms enabling the democratisation of data insights across the organisation and heightening the data literacy of business users.

Business Intelligence Success Story

CVS Group Plc is the UK’s largest veterinary practice provider with hundreds of veterinary practices, multiple laboratories and crematoria, and an online pharmaceutical arm. CVS had experienced double digit revenue growth in the last few years with the majority of that growth driven by acquisition. Like many organisations of this size, they faced a significant challenge with the sheer amount of data produced within the business.

Implementing a Business Intelligence solution allowed them to integrate financial planning, budgeting and reporting using data from across the organisation.

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Cognos Analytics

Cognos Analytics is a leader in Enterprise BI & Analytics Platforms and provides functionality for dashboards, pixel-perfect reporting, stories, data modelling and analysis in a web-based, integrated user experience.

The solution offers search-based analysis with encapsulated cognitive capabilities aimed at business users.

Automated insights and help find relationships in large data sets, relevant drivers for a metric or create detailed forecasts.

Cognos Analytics empowers users to uncover hidden patterns with AI-driven self-service analytics. Automated data preparation, data discovery and visualisations help to support smarter decisions.

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Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a leader in Enterprise BI & Analytics Platforms. It has massive market reach through it being part of the MS office suite.

Power BI offers data preparation, visual-based data discovery, interactive dashboards and augmented analytics allowing users to easily connect to, model, and visualise data, with the added ability to build memorable reports personalised with organisation KPIs and brand.

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Align data strategy with business goals

Sempre provides consultancy and full managed data services which makes us best placed to advise clients on data management and deliver the tools and processes to implement.

Good data management can unlock the value of data within the business.

Contact us to find out how we can support your business.

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