Build Back Better: Strengthening Finance for business transformation
Every stage of a development’s lifecycle involves elements of planning and forecasting. However, the collaboration between the functions that own these different stages can be fragmented, plus the site-based nature of house building often creates data silos and blind spots.
On top of these internal challenges, private and social house builders and providers must develop financial plans that consider their broader ecosystem of contractors, partners, local councils, public bodies, ombudsmen and central government. Add to this the increasing focus on the environmental and social impact of housing today and it’s easy to see why business planning and analysis is an increasingly complex arena.
A truly coherent view, from initial land appraisal to after-sales customer care, from site-level up to Group, is within reach.
And with it comes accurate, confident and agile planning!
Enter the concept of xP&A (extended planning and analysis) – the need to break down traditional silos between enterprise and operational planning to efficiently build agile, intelligent plans that encompass both inside and outside the walls of your organisation.
Many organisations don’t have a truly connected xP&A platform, relying instead on Finance, armed with Excel, to be the data collectors, owners and custodians that monitor and forecast the organisation’s performance and health.
Is that fair on Finance teams?
How can Finance and IT collaborate to solve these data integration and planning challenges?
How could technology help?
Register for this virtual “fireside chat” from 9am to 9:30am on 1st December to hear four experts, with over 80 year’s combined experience across construction, business planning software and accountancy, share their lessons learnt and advice for the future.
Senior Customer Success Manager, UK&I at Anaplan
Catherine brings both industry experience from her time at housebuilder Crest Nicholson and as a consultant, as well as her technology expertise from her current role as Senior Customer Success Manager at connected planning software vendor Anaplan.